Sunday, March 1, 2009

Character Growth

The main character Billy Pilgrim had a lot of character growth in this novel. He was a very unpopular and a weakling before the war and was a joke as a soldier. He would always give up when he was walking around during the war and would start saying "just go without me". He was so out of it at first that he married a girl named Valencia who he didn't think was very good looking and he wasn't very happy with her at all. Then he gets captured by the Tralfamadorians and is put in a zoo and that changes everything. They taught him that u can't choose to change anything about your fate, but can choose to concentrate upon any moment in your life. So he starts to accept the things that happen to him and he trys to focus on the good things in his life instead of all the bad things, he just accepts the way his life is going and he doesn't mind it.

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